Information Systems
Student and BlackBoard Analytics
HigherEd Analyzer (HEA) from BlackBoard INC is the only packaged data warehouse and analytical reporting application for colleges and universities. HigherEd Analyzer provides self-service reporting and analysis capabilities to a broad spectrum of information users spanning institutional research, management reporting, external reporting and analytical information needs across the campus. The application provides a library of standardized metrics and descriptive attributes consistent with best practices in higher education management. Student Analytics may be accessed via EagleLINKS from the Coppin State University home page.
HEA's application framework goes beyond basic reporting. Using widely adopted higher education metrics and best practices for analytics, HEA enables guided analysis of CSU data through Key Performance Indicators (KPI), visualization components and interactive reports.
HEA solution is branded at Coppin as "EagleLINKS Analytics" will help meet the reporting and analytical needs of the Student, Financials, and system users.
EagleLINKS data can be viewed as trend analysis and/or multi-dimensional charts to name few of the available formats. As a result, campus executives and other administrators will have a critical new way in which to access data without having to request reports. Some of the mission critical information and analysis that will be available via dashboard include: Admissions, Enrollment, Class Registration, Class Utilization, Program Analysis, Student Risk Analysis, Faculty, and Graduation.
Custom Reporting Modules (click here for jpg)

Key Points: A reporting tool to help our senior managers and executives know the status of the major business processes with the ease of a mouse click.