Minor in Marketing
Any organization or business that wants to get their products or services in front of potential consumers needs a marketing professional. Different from sales, marketing communicates a brand message designed to get audiences to make buying decisions.
This in-demand field requires strategic thinkers who love using technology, content, and design to build connections between products and services and the people who want and need them. With projected job growth higher than the national average, marketing professionals have the potential to make higher than average starting salaries, and skills versatile and valuable to any industry.
You can also choose to major in Marketing.
Learn how to:
- Demonstrate understanding of basic marketing principles including, marketing concept, marketing strategy, market segmentation, positioning, and the marketing mix
- Apply consumer behavior principles to marketing concepts and strategy
- Conduct and interpret primary and secondary marketing research through quantitative and qualitative techniques
- Apply quantitative and qualitative analysis to strategic decision-making
- Demonstrate knowledge of marketing issues and problems related to the global marketplace
- Formulate marketing strategies and analyze business environments
- Apply analysis to create and present strategic marketing plans

750+ Course Options
The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
What can I do with marketing skills?
With the rise of social media and influencer marketing, everyone has become a marketer. Stand out from the crowd with skills that teach you to be the influencer behind the influencer.
Minor Requirements for College of Business Students
You must earn at least 18 marketing credits to graduate with a minor in marketing. College of Business students may take any 18 credits of marketing courses to complete minor requirements, except for:
MKTG 310, Principles of Marketing
Remember, you must complete all prerequisite and minor courses with a grade of C or higher.
Minor Requirements for Non-College of Business Students
Students in non-College of Business programs can earn a minor in marketing, but must satisfy specific course requirements. These required courses include:
ECON 103, Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurial Economics
MKTG 310, Principles of Marketing
12 credits of MKTG electives at or above the 300 level
Marketing is in the Department of Management and Marketing in the College of Business.