Minor in History
Why minor in History?
In a world so focused on science and technology, what’s the demand for a liberal arts degree like history? A history degree isn’t only about learning the facts about major societal events or ancient civilizations. It’s also about teaching you to think critically, creatively, and even empathetically about the context, the cultures, and the conflicts that inspired those events, civilizations, and ultimately—your life today.
You can choose to minor or major in History.
Minor Requirements
To graduate with a minor in History, students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours with a grade of “C’ or better in each minor course. You may choose from pre-approved courses or petition the History Department to consider additional courses. Approved courses include:
Survey Courses (6 credits)
HIST 201 | World History I |
HIST 202 | World History II |
OR | |
HIST 203 | U.S. History I |
HIST 204 | U.S. History II |
OR | |
HIST 205 | African American History I |
HIST 206 | African American History II |
Upper Level Electives (12 credits)
All history minors must complete 12 hours in 300 and 400 level courses, as discussed with departmental advisor.

750+ Course Options
The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
History is in the Department of Humanities in the School of Arts & Sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences, and Education.