Minor in Accounting
Why minor in accounting?
Earning a minor can be a strategic way of elevating your skills to make you more competitive in a specific industry. Even if you don’t ever plan to work in the financial industry, you can apply knowledge learned pursuing an accounting minor toward improving your own personal finance habits or even starting and maintaining your own business.
Students can also choose to major in Accounting. To graduate with a minor in accounting, students must earn at least 18 credits.

750+ Courses
Coppin State's extensive Academic Catalog. It's full of skill-building courses that inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.
Where can Accounting skills take you?
Apply your skills and passion to accounting-related jobs on the rise, and see how an Accounting degree can open doors to specific careers across almost any industry.
Minor Requirements for College of Business Students
Students within the College of Business have specific course requirements to satisfy the minor. These required courses include:
ACCT 351, Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 352, Intermediate Accounting II
4 additional accounting courses, not including ACCT 201 (Principles of Financial Accounting) and ACCT 202 (Principles of Managerial Accounting)
Remember, you must complete all prerequisite and minor courses with a grade of C or higher.
Minor Requirements for Non-College of Business Students
Students in non-College of Business programs can earn a minor in accounting, but must satisfy specific course requirements. These required courses include:
ECON 103, Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurial Economics
ACCT 201, Principles of Financial Accounting
ACCT 202, Principles of Managerial Accounting
ACCT 351, Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 352, Intermediate Accounting II
Accounting elective
The Accounting program lives within the Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems in the College of Business.